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Broader acceptance of plastic surgery highlighted by growing market

More than 11 million plastic surgery procedures were performed in 2013 in the United States alone, with over $12 billion spend on the industry. This marked a 12 percent increase over the previous year, according to a study by The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and this growth is expected to continue through 2014. The Huffington Post reported that this increase is led by growing comfort around plastic surgery and a normalization of it in American culture.

“The numbers do not come as a surprise,” said Jack Fisher, President of ASAPS, regarding the growth in plastic surgery in the U.S. “Technological advances, less invasive procedures, greater accessibility are making aesthetic procedures, surgical and nonsurgical, far more attractive to the public at large. Further, the rebounding economy is encouraging people to start investing in themselves once again.”

The acceptance of plastic surgery has been driven not only by “obsession with body image,” but also a push toward cosmetic surgery with quick recovery as a way to boost confidence and overcome self-esteem issues across the nation. More people are able to correct image issues through minor procedures, rather than major changes to their body, and be all the more comfortable as a result. This helps improve one’s social, romantic and work lives as well.

Anti-aging procedures in particular continue to be popular, as more Americans seek ways to hold onto their youthful appearance, rather than trying to drastically change it. This has led to a rise in non-invasive cosmetic procedures as well, with a focus on laser skin resurfacing and similar treatments.

Those considering any plastic surgery opportunities should consult with the talented staff at Maryland Plastic Surgery to discuss their beauty goals and what the right procedure is for them.

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