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Study: Rise in plastic surgery attributed to selfies

Smartphones and photo-editing apps like Instagram have led to a major surge in the number of self-photos that people take. However, the selfie trend has led to an even more dramatic change in people’s mindsets, with the 25 percent rise in plastic surgeries performed in 2013 over 2012 attributed to the selfie movement.

According to a study performed by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 13 percent of plastic surgeons polled attribute the increase in procedures to photo sharing, as well as patients being dissatisfied with their image on social media sites. One in three of those who participated in the survey reported a rise in procedures requested by patients “aware of their self-image in relation to social media.”

The study found that from 2012 to 2013 there was a 6 percent rise in eyelid surgery, 7 percent rise in hair transplants and a 10 percent increase in rhinoplasty.

“There has been a 25 percent increase over the past year and a half to two years. That is very significant,” Sam Rizk, a 47-year-old plastic surgeon based in Manhattan, told Reuters. “They come in with their iPhones and show me pictures. Selfies are just getting to be so crazy.”

Those looking to perfect their selfies need to remember that the goal shouldn’t be to change their appearance, but to enhance their features to a point that makes them more comfortable with their own image. Consulting with an experienced plastic surgeon before setting up an appointment for a procedure is the best way to find the middle ground between displeasure with your look in a selfie and the beauty-enhancing promise of cosmetic surgery with quick recovery. Contact Maryland Plastic Surgery for more information on how to improve your appearance, and as a result, your selfies.

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