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Diet the top tool for perfecting skin care

Anti-aging and beauty often revolves not around plastic surgery, but one’s skin care routine. From moisturizing to properly exfoliating the skin, how to take care of your epidermis can have a major impact on the need for plastic surgery later in life, particularly minimally invasive facial rejuvenation procedures. However, what many people don’t realize is that the No. 1 way to improve your skin care routine is to eat healthier.

Diet can have a major impact on our appearance. Not drinking enough water, for example, can affect one’s complexion and make your skin drier and looser. Eating too much sugar can cause acne outbreaks, even in adults, and have similar effects to the skin as well. However, there are ways to enhance your diet to optimize your skin’s health and appearance and better manage your beauty routine over time:

Drink more tea – Tea contains many important antioxidants for enhancing your skin’s health. Green tea in particular is highly beneficial, and more experts are recommending that you drink three or more mugs of tea a day to ensure a balanced load of antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients.

Eat more dark leafy greens – Dark leafy greens, such as kale, collard greens and spinach, are also highly beneficial to skin health. Eating at least one serving of dark leafy greens as part of your daily intake of vegetables will boost your immune system as well and improve total body health, not just your aesthetics.

Hydrate – The importance of proper hydration can never be overstated. Not drinking enough water can have major detrimental effects on your skin’s health, not to mention inducing fatigue and other issues.

These are just a few tips for maintaining healthier skin. However, sometimes you need a bigger boost to enhance your appearance. If you’re considering laser skin resurfacing or other cosmetic surgery with quick recovery options, contact Maryland Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation today.

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