For a smoother, younger face, you might turn to cosmetic procedures like the chin implant or nose job. Shouldn’t the same apply when it comes to reshaping your figure?
The butt lift is a safe and effective way to contour your figure. Most lifts involve one of three procedures: fat transfer, buttock implants or liposuction. Your surgeon’s choice depends on your medical background, weight and body composition, and final goals.
For the procedure, fat is moved to the buttocks from either the thighs, back or hips. Then, if the patient needs further reshaping, implants can be placed under the cheeks.
The recovery process for lifts is relatively simple. Most patients can return to their routines almost immediately, though some contend with some light swelling and bruising.
At his Maryland Plastic Surgery facility, Dr. Adam Summers has perfected a technique that minimizes side effects while maximizing results.
Schedule a consultation today!