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One Hour SMART Facelift

The lunchtime facelift is now a reality! To address the needs of people with a busy lifestyle, facelift procedures can now be completed in just one hour. Dr. Adam Summers (one of the nation’s leading experts in minimally invasive face lift & neck lift procedures) has developed the SMART Facelift™ (Skin, Muscle and Adipose Reduced Tension Facelift). The SMART Facelift™ is the first long-lasting one hour face lift procedure and incorporates the best features of other face lift and neck lift procedures.

Dr. Summers performs the SMART Facelift™ and necklift in the comfort and luxury of the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center. And, with little to no downtime, the SMART Facelift™ may be the perfect fit for your busy lifestyle!


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The SMART Facelift™ and necklift enables patients to return to normal social activities within days! After this one hour facelift and necklift procedure, patients typically have no visible incisions or significant bruising or swelling. This is a significant improvement over other facelift and necklift techniques (such as the Quicklift and Lifestyle Facelift procedures) which can result in permanently visible scars and weeks (or months) of swelling and bruising.

Many of the facelift and necklift procedures offered by other physicians have advantages. For example, the Contour Lift Facelift uses a small incision hidden in the hairline. The MACS Lift provides the security of placing sutures in the deeper facial layers. And the Quicklift Facelift is typically completed in about an hour.

Dr. Summers’ one hour facelift and necklift procedure combines the best features of these other procedures (a hidden incision like the Contour Lift Facelift, the security of the MACS deep suture placement, and the short surgical time of the Quicklift). More importantly, the SMART Facelift helps prevent troublesome issues experienced with other procedures (pain, visible scars, gathering of skin, hair loss, skin folds, nerve damage, bleeding, etc.).

Unlike other minimally invasive facelift procedures, Dr. Summers’ SMART Facelift is the only minimally invasive facelift procedure proven to have long-lasting results. As the developer of the procedure, Dr. Summers was among the first to publish a method for securing suspension sutures enabling long-term suspension of both the skin and the deeper tissues. Since then, over the past 10 years, he has pioneered more modifications to provide longer lasting results than many other procedures. For example, to achieve long-lasting results, Dr. Summers developed the use of a multi-layer approach that lifts the skin without tension and he created a novel anchoring technique that can keep the cheeks lifted for years.

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