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Is Juvederm the right skin treatment for you?

If you are interested in exploring professional ways to improve the look and feel of your skin, there has never been a better time to do so. Whether you are looking for something relatively simple and non-invasive or a total overhaul of your appearance, skin rejuvenation has come a long way over the years. There is now a broad range of non-surgical options that you can choose from, many of which include having filler substances being put in your face and giving you fuller and more elastic skin.

Here are a few things to expect from a Juvederm skin rejuvenation treatment:

  • Effects: You will notice an immediate plumping of your skin, as sunken areas will be filled with the substance. It will also reduce the appearance of laugh lines and other signs of aging on your face.
  • Longevity: The purpose of having your skin filled is to get rid of any fine lines and wrinkles that begin to appear naturally as we age. The great thing about Juvederm is how long the treatments last, as you will notice your skin looking and feeling great anywhere from five to eight months.
  • Recovery: Most people choose this line of treatment because it does not require a long recovery time when you will be unable to do your daily tasks. There will be no bandages or anything like that necessary, and you will be able to return to work right away.

If you are interested in learning about all of your options when it comes to non-invasive cosmetic procedures, be sure to schedule an appointment with Maryland Plastic Surgery as soon as possible! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about all of the different services that we offer.

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