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Do you offer financial assistance or financing?

Whether it is a surgical or non-surgical procedure, we have a variety of payment methods for people desiring to pay over time.

First, some people choose to setup a “lay-a-way” program where the make a weekly/monthly payment in advance of their procedure. In this case, their procedure date will be assigned upon delivery of the final pre-pay amount.

Second, financing is available through our partners who provide both short term, interest-free loans as well as long-term fixed rate payment plans. If you desire financing, please chat with us and we can help guide you to the right program — they are not all the same and their offers change frequently.

NOTE: It is important that you do NOT apply to a program that we do not already accept. It may sound odd, but patients that receive financing from a non-approved lender will NOT be able to have their procedure if that lender pays us directly. This is because some lenders have contracts for payments that we have not reviewed and had approved. In this case, we cannot accept those funds.


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